Plant Code:
Part Sun - Morning Sunlight Only
Bloom Time:
Flower Color:
Average Size:
18-24" H x 12-18" W
Cold Hardiness:
Zone 9 (30 to 20°F)
Tropical plants have great foliage and can be used as an accent to add texture to the garden or patio. Others have stunning blooms used for cut flowers. Tropical plants are evergreens and live year after year in the tropics. They are also regularly used in cooler areas of the country as container plants and in landscapes. When they are used in these areas they generally need protection from cold temperatures or special care in order to survive year after year. Special care might include digging up the plant and placing it in a protected area during winter. Tropical plants are also a great house plant and will provide years of enjoyment under the right conditions.
Successful growing requires excellent drainage.
Container, Beds and Borders, Cut Flower, Color Accent
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